In just a few months, he became a sensation with the viral hit 'Gaddi Red Challenger' garnering over 30 million streams worldwide. He continues to fuse East and West with his second hit "Gucci Chick" which becomes a rising pioneer of Punjabi pop music.
Fees are collected at the gate
May 21 | 8:10PM - May 22 | 12:15AM
Kakuna “ a culinary bar “, Chandigarh
Fees and Charges :
Terms & Conditions:
Bring a valid ID. Purchased tickets are non-refundable, even if the schedule is changed. Security measures, including cleaning, remain at the discretion of management. Dangerous or potentially dangerous items, including but not limited to guns, knives, firearms, fireworks, helmets, lasers, bottles, musical instruments, may not be brought into the venue and may be disposed of with or without the owner.
Sponsors / Performers / Organizers are not responsible for any injury or damage caused by the event. All related claims will be settled in the courts of Mumbai. Intoxicated persons are not allowed to enter. The organizers have the right to refuse late entry to the event. Site rules apply.