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The Kanathoor nalvar Boothasthanam in Kanathoor village, Kerala

The Kanathoor Nalvar Bhoothasthanam festival in Kerala is a fantasy come true for everyone who loves extravagance and grandeur. This festival, which takes place in December, gives Theyyam performers a significant stage. The event is held in the Kasaragod district's Kanathoor village, where the Theyyam of the Mother Deity is regarded as the main attraction. 

One of the best occasions and festivals in Kerala, Kanathoor Nalvar BhoothaSthanam Theyyam, is known as Kerala's pride and is a real visual treat for anybody who rushes to the magnificent locations throughout the festive season.

Ideal Season to Visit

The Malayalam calendar and regional customs, which are crucial in determining the time, determine the festival's dates. The dates can fluctuate depending on where in Kerala people worship different deities and observe distinct rituals. Therefore, only local officials can verify the dates; otherwise, everyone else can only guess. This holiday is typically observed in December or January, when the climate is agreeable.

Kanathoor Nalvar Bhoothasthanam's Culture Theyyam

The Kanathoor Nalvar Bhoothasthanam is a bright, colourful cultural celebration. It honours the nation's ancient artistic traditions. The festival features dance, mime, and other prehistoric tribal cultures. As they honour ancestral spirits and heroes, these performances are very significant. Locals and visitors alike throng to the locations where this festival is held, making it a rich visual treat for the eyes. This celebration honours the Mother Goddess as well as snakes, creatures, statues, and plants. Dancers perform the vibrant ritual dance known as theyyam.

The Kanathoor Nal Bhoothasthanam Kerala event, which is brimming with wonders, draws crowds with the amazing costumes and compositions of the Theyyam performers. Their colourfully painted bodies primarily help one to appreciate a variety of hues. Above all all, the exhilarating music anchors the stars to the entire party by lulling everyone in a lovely trance.

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