Particularly in Kerala, this event, which is locally dubbed Thrikkarthika, is held principally to commemorate Goddess Shakti. Karthigai Deepam 2023 will take place this year on November 26, a Sunday. Although it is observed in the aforementioned locations, Arunachalesvara Temple, also known as Annamalaiyar Temple, is one of the main locations where the festival is held.
History Of The 2023 Karthgai Deepam
Below are a few of the most notable of the many stories that make up this karthigai deepam.
The Six Stars' Tale
You can learn that Karthigai Deepam has a magical component to it by looking at the Hindu mythology. Here, we're discussing the myth of the six celestial nymphs, or stars, from Hindu culture.
As part of the tradition, which is commemorated as the Karthigai Festival, residents light rows of oil lamps in their homes and on the streets in the evening.
Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma's Legend
Another tale holds that the two most powerful Hindu deities, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma, got into a fight one day to see who was the stronger of the two. And it is reported that Lord Shiva had to step in to break up the conflict.
To do this, he assumed the form of a raging fire and issued a challenge to Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma to locate the fire's bottom.
So, according to legend, in order to reach the end of the fire, Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a boar and Lord Brahma that of a swan. Despite their best efforts, they were both unable to discover a solution and ultimately had to give up.
By doing this, Lord Shiva demonstrated to them that he alone was the Ultimate God. After that, he manifested as a hill someplace in the Thiruvannamalai region, where the Kings later constructed a temple honouring Lord Shiva, and ever since, the villagers have been very excited to celebrate this festival.